Static Ad Specs

  • PAGE ORIENTATION: Vertical only
  • FILE RESOLUTION: 300 ppi (264 minimum)
  • FILE FORMAT: PDF without transparency, all fonts embedded. The PDF/X-1a specification can be used with modifcation for RGB color space (see below)
  • BLEED: None
  • SUGGESTED MARGIN (for optimum display of ad content): IPAD: 36 pixels
Because the dimensions of the tablet are proportionally similar to those of the print edition, it can be relatively easy to resize the native layout files you use to create print ads. If you choose to do this, please bear in mind that all of the images placed inthese files must be of a sufficiently high resolution to remain at 300 dpi when enlarged. For example, a TIFF file placed in the print layout must retain a 300 dpi resolution after the layout is enlarged for the tablet version of your ad. Also, you must proof your ad on screen with the RGB color space applied prior to submitting to ensure that any shift in color is acceptable.
Interactive Ad Specs
All interactive ads need to be built with
Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, which requires InDesignCS5 or higher.
  • Orientation must be vertical only -
    768 pixels (w) x 1024 pixels (h) for iPad
  • Final delivery must be “bundled” folio file inclusive of client’s metadata
  • Additional information on how to create andsubmit ads with interactive elements is available upon request
In addition to the advertisement, information about the ad can be displayed in the tablet table of contents.
  • Title of Ad (required):
    Maximum 65 characters
  • Description of Ad (optional):
    Maximum 120 characters
  • Please include your metadata in the Notes section when uploading your static ad to the Portal, or in the bundle when emailing interactive ads.
For more information or production questions:
Kristine Jacobson
Senior Production Manager
T: 414.423.3919
E: Kristine.Jacobson@rd.com