Standard tags not accepted, provide 1x1 impression/click tracking
Newsletter Content Box
100x100 image
Static GIF/JPEG HEADLINE COPY 35 characters max (incl spaces) BODY COPY 140 characters max (incl spaces)
Contact representative for details on specific newsletters
Expandable Units
VIDEO Host or auto initiated AUDIO Host initiated
Visible close button on upper-right corner
No more than 50% of ad space hotspotted
Homepage Marquee
IMAGE 575x575 HEADLINE 32 characters (incl spaces) TEXT 160 characters (incl spaces)−does not include the CTA link
175x50 logo
The CTA character count is 35 (incl spaces)
Search Results
HEADLINE COPY 35 characters max (incl spaces) BODY COPY 90 characters max (incl spaces) CALL TO ACTION COPY 30 characters max (incl spaces)
100x100 logo OR image
Social Media
Must include the verbiage “From our friends at …. “
160 c haracters max (incl spaces)
Provide recipe or Pin URL
Taste Network, Influencer Marketing
Includes custom content integrated within blog post(s) and 3+ social media shares per blog post
Brand objective, key focus, theme (ex. holiday, time saving tips, healthy living, etc.) and type of post (ex. recipe creation, product review, ideas and examples of product usage, etc.)
Photography preference (ex. product shot, step-by-step photography, minimum number of photographs)
Driving URL and social media links
Provide high-res product images and logo
Brand style and placement guides
Please contact your sales representative with questions
Additional Offerings/Capabilities
1st & 3rd party data targeting, targeted pre-roll, editorial integration (partner recipes, branded ingredient sponsorship, ExpressLine sponsorship, etc.), custom sidekick unit, custom microsite, custom newsletters, push down unit, etc.
For more information or production questions:
SALES Donna Lindskog National Advertising Director T: 646.293.6290
PRODUCTION Nicholas Gaudio Ad Operations Director T: 646.293.6349